Why was my Petal account closed?

Petal may close your account for a variety of reasons, such as inactivity on your account, fraudulent activity, or for a violation of the Cardholder Agreement


My Petal account was closed, but I have a balance. Do I still need to make payments? 

If your Petal account is closed, you are still responsible for paying any remaining balance. You'll still continue to receive statements, and interest will continue to accrue until your balance is paid in full. 


My account was closed, but I have a credit on my account. What do I do? 

If you have a positive credit on your account (meaning Petal owes you money), just give us a call or send us an email and we can mail you a check for anything we owe you—even if your account has been closed. Keep in mind that having a positive credit will show up on your Petal dashboard as a negative amount.

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